Hello, and welcome to the Psychic Callers Anonymous support group meeting, a group for people who wish to stop getting readings. My name is __________ and it is my turn to lead the meeting tonight.
This group is committed to creating a safe place for people to share their experience, strength and hope. This is not a therapy group, no one is here in a professional capacity. Our purpose is to grow spiritually – to grow in our relationship with God as we understand God.
We are not here to talk about others, to condemn, criticize, or judge anyone. Our desire is to improve the quality of our lives by looking honestly at who we are, by learning from listening to and sharing with each other, by placing ourselves in the care of our Higher Power, and by engaging in healthier behaviors.
The spiritual disciplines of the twelve steps are an important foundation for our group so I’ve asked __________ to read The Twelve Steps for us.
Are there any recovery-related announcements?
Is there anyone here today for the first time? If so, please tell us your first name so we can greet you.
If you are new to a twelve-step support group, we offer you a special welcome. We suggest that you attend at least 6 meetings to give yourself a fair chance to decide if this group is appropriate for you. We encourage you to exchange phone numbers with other members of the group for support between meetings. Phone lists, literature and information on other recovery support groups will be available after the meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to talk with me at the end of the meeting.
It is our custom to introduce ourselves by first name only. If you wish to identify your primary addiction as part of introducing yourself, we welcome you do to so. Please do not feel compelled, however, to introduce yourself other than to share your first name. My name is ______________.
(Note: The custom in most groups is to respond to each person’s self introduction by saying “Hi, name”.)
Every meeting we remind ourselves of some basic group guidelines. Many of the principles and traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous are used as part of our group. We respect the confidentiality and anonymity of each person here. Remember that whatever you hear at this meeting is shared with the trust and confidence that it will remain here. Who you see here, what is said here, when you leave here, let it stay here.
Before our sharing begins, I will read our Guidelines for Group Sharing.
1) Everyone is invited to share, but no one is obligated to do so.
2) Please keep your sharing focused on recent experiences and events. Use "I" statements. Focus on your personal experience, strength and hope.
3) Limit your sharing to 7-10 minutes. Allow everyone in the group to share once before you share a second time.
4) Please…NO CROSS TALK. Cross-talk occurs when individuals speak out of turn and interrupt one another. The group is disrupted, and focus is diverted from the individual whose turn it is to speak.
5) Refrain from asking questions. Questions will be answered after the meeting so that sharing will not be interrupted.
6) If you have received a psychic reading in the last 24 hours, we ask you to listen during this meeting.
7) We are not here to fix, advise, soothe, or solve other people’s problems. We can share what we have done to change our own behavior, but not what we think someone else should do.
This meeting is a step study. The Twelve Steps represent a spiritual discipline which can provide a way out of destructive behavior and an opportunity to improve our relationship with our Higher Power.
Today’s meeting focuses on Step __________.
As your leader for this meeting, I will share for a few minutes, then will open the meeting for general sharing relating to the topic being covered. If you would like to share please raise your hand to be recognized. This is a spiritually-centered program, and we ask you to also share how your spirituality related to the topic or the Step being discussed.
(Notes: At this point the leader reads the step which is the focus for the meeting and shares from his own current experience. When finished, the leader can either continue the sharing time by acknowledging a volunteer from raised hands or can continue the sharing by asking the person next to them if they would like an opportunity to share and continue by moving around the room.)
Thanks for joining today.
Who would like to read "The Promises"? [read them]
Are there any group-related announcements?
We thank each one for sharing tonight! If you were not able to share, please share with someone after the meeting.
There is a phone list if you need to talk to someone between meetings.
Is there anyone with at least 6 months out of psychic addiction who is willing to be a sponsor? Please identify yourself.
Who will chair the next meeting?
Remember! What you hear at this meeting is confidential; leave it at this meeting! It is not for public disclosure or gossip. Please respect the privacy of those who have shared here today. Let's close with our Serenity Prayer.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking this world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to your will; so that I may be reasonably happy in this life.
Keep coming!