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'For Entertainment Only'

This phrase always makes me shake my head! For whose entertainment, exactly? Sure, when I first called psychics, it was a curiosity that I soon forgot about it. Unfortunately, the psychic was right -- that time. And that started my slippery slope.

And most readers will tell you, that to them it's not entertainment either, and they take it much more seriously than that. But it's a beautiful phrase to have a giant CYA (cover-your-butt) in case the reader ends up being incorrect and the seeker wants to sue for emotional and financial damages.

Wouldn't it be great if we had our own disclaimer with *our* careers?!

I can tell you one thing. If you can't agree that it's for entertainment only, then you need this group. It *should* be for entertainment only.

But that's not the reality, is it? We hang our hopes on what they say when it's good, and when it's bad, we just call someone else until we hear what we want and we hope the person who had a negative outcome was wrong and the people who say what we want are right.

As painful as it is, make the decision right now to put your faith in the same Higher Power that enables the readers to "See", choose to believe you will either get the ex back or meet someone better in ways you can't even imagine, and press ahead with your life as it looks *today*. Know that yeah, maybe your ex will come back - maybe he/she won't - maybe it's in 3 weeks, 3 months. Maybe it's in 3 years. Maybe its never.

So the question remains - what are you going to do *right now*, and tomorrow, and the day after that, that makes you as happy as possible with how your life is NOW?!

Don't keep staring at the rearview mirror. You'll just get in an accident if you don't keep your eyes on where you're at and where you're headed today. And if that ex comes back into view, great!

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